Competition Review -

You have to sign in before you can use the site, which can be a deterrent for those who want to try it out before giving their information

Interesting, but it made me choose my 3 favorite brands, and come of the brands were spelled incorrectly.

They have no search engine extension feature, Beni's ahead of their time in that way!

Curious if this is just my computer, but there seems to be a website error where none of the items at the bottom bar are clickable, the about, privacy policy, contact us, and socials?

Nothing on their IG or Facebook.

Their twitter is poppin, and the captions are both hilarious and incredibly educational, lots of showcasing the products found on Gently and the money saved.

It appears their team is active on their twitter, with Gently retweeting what the Gently team is discussing, as well as updating their audience on changes to the website and new features. This helps build audience loyalty and personalizes the connection to a website.


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