Pattern Making
(From The Syllabus)
The major goal of this course is to help students acquire the knowledge, skill, and experience necessary to create flat patterns. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:
Demonstrate flat pattern skills.
Understand flat pattern principles and rules.
Use correct terminology in relationship to flat pattern work.
Derive solutions to problems in pattern making.
Build confidence in your ability to construct apparel using patterns you have drafted.
Accurately measure a figure.
Instructor | Nicole Clancy
Bodices & Collars
Princess Bodice Practice
Mid Term Design Assignment
My two designs for my first initial sketch were inspired by a gorgeous tan window plaid fabric I’ve had sitting in my craft bin for a couple months now. Originally for this assignment I wanted to go in a more art direction and try making more of a walking art piece. But at this point in my life as I’m learning more and more about sustainability in the fashion industry, I just want to make something I’ll love to death. And wear it out till its nothing but fiber and string.
By creating a gorgeous kimono pull-over and minimal black circle skirt gives me the opportunity to support a capsule closet since these two items can be so diverse and complimentary to all items in my wardrobe! I’m smart.
Note: I switched from wide leg pants to the minimalist skirt after receiving a teachers feedback on how we are limited on time for this assignment.
Inspiration for the kimono pullover
Inspiration for the black circle skirt
Half Scale of Kimono Cardigan
Flow Chart of Kimono Cardigan
Cut out all Pieces.
Sew front and Back Bodice Shoulders right sides together. Finish Seams then top stitch. Iron
Sew sleeves onto arm circles right sides together. Finish Seams then top stitch. Iron
Pin sleeve and side seams right sides together. Sew from the tip of sleeve to the bottom of the hem line. Finish Seams then top stitch. Iron
Hem the collar/neckline/front band all together enclose all seams. Iron.
Hem bottom of cardigan and enclose all seams. Iron
Hem sleeve cuffs enclosing all seams. Iron.
Do a little dance because you’ve just made a classy Kimono Cardigan.
Half Scale Circle Skirt
Flow Chart for Circle Skirt
Cut out all pieces
Finish Seams of two back skirt pieces where they connect in the center back. Put in the Invisible Zipper. Make sure to leave enough room at the top of the zipper to hem later. Iron.
Finish sewing the two center back skirt pieces together. Iron.
Sew the front skirt piece to the back skirt pieces, right sides together. Finish the seams. Iron.
Hem the bottom of the skirt, hide any frays Iron.
Hem the top of the skirt, hide any frays. Iron.
Final Patternmaking Project Sketch
Sweetheart Neckline Longsleeve Halfscale
Flow Chart for LongSleeve Bodice Sweetheart Neckline
1. Start out by sewing the two front bodice pieces together
2. Sew the Front bodice shoulder pieces onto the two front bodice pieces
3. Sew the two back pieces together.
3. Sew the front shoulder to the back shoulder pieces.
5. Press all
5. Hem the neckline front and back.
6. sew the sleeves into the sleeve armholes.
7. Hem the cuffs of the sleeves
8. Press.
9. Sew the sleeves and sides of the shirt together from the sleeve tip down to the bottom hemline of the shirt.
10. Press.
11. Hem the bottom of the shirt.
12. Press
1 1/2 Circle Skirt Halfscale
Skirt Flow Chart
1. Sew the two back skirt pieces to the two front skirt pieces
2. Attach the waistband to the top of the skirt right side to right side.
3. Sew the two back skirt pieces together but leave room to sew in the invisible zipper.
4. Hem the bottom of the skirt – Press
5. Sew in the invisible zipper to the back of the skirt.
6. Press the corners of the waistband that meet in the back inwards to line up with the edge of the skirt and invisible zipper. Sew an anchor stitch to keep it in place.
7. Press the top of the waistband down 1/4
8. Fold the waistband in half to cover all of the inside rough seam edges and line up the bottom of the waistband 1/8 over the original waistband seamline.
9. Sew waistband together to enclose the waistband and top of the skirt.
10. Enclose the corners of the waistband by sewing a straight line 2/8 from the edge sealing the waistband closed.
11. Press
Measuring my Model
Patternmaking Textbook Pages 157 - 167